4 results found
ID (Driver's License, Passport, Social Security, etc.) Extraction
Extract relevant fields from identification. This is supported through Microsoft Azure's Document Intelligence (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/document-intelligence/concept-id-document?view=doc-intel-4.0.0)
1 voteImplemented and available with V6.1 AES.
PDF Comparison
Have datasnipper compare two different versions of a PDF in excel. I.e. V1 and V2 reports.
Datasnipper will then create a new tab with a list of exception snips that highlight any differences between the two pdfs.
1 voteThis is currently available as a feature called Version Compare (available under the Enterprise Package or with the purchase of the Financial Statement Suite add-on)
Make DataSnipper available for MacBooks
Make DataSnipper available for MacBooks
2 votesIt can be used in Excel online version.
Web snip
Use all manual snips directly from the web in the Datasnipper viewer (creating automatic screenshots).
6 votes
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