Could we have DataSnipper in Microsoft Word?
Got a feedback/enhancement from Shanghai staff, DataSnipper sometimes is not that user friendly when snipping and extracting some of the data in Financial statements (especially when it is in a format of table, or long table, or PDF with different format), so in this case, need more manual work on checking or snipping/extracting again. It is able to have DataSnipper in Microsoft word as well? Thanks!
Alana Resnick commented
Tax use case: I did analysis in taxes case, and I need to refer back to Business Registration as how many shares each person own. Data snipper can be a good tracing back without having to open the pdf, and then stated the page.
Anonymous commented
There is an audit use case for snips in MS Word, for instance in memos or in controls walkthroughs. We'd appreciate such a feature being developped.
Anonymous commented
Build in text snips into word, for writing memorandum and linking to financial literature/ Supporting Workbooks.
AdminJonas Ruyter (Admin, DataSnipper) commented
Built manual Snips in Word for Tax/Legal use cases