Disable automatic datasnips search in documents
Recently, while using the program, I have noticed that it automatically searches for and retrieves snips of text from various documents. While this feature can be useful in most cases, it causes Excel crash very fast (even if imported documents are compresed). Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if the automatic data snip search could be disabled by pressing an option button, similar to the calculation options in Excel.

My apologies, the fix made was for the auto-enter into the search box.
The ask of this ticket to not actually search the documents in the background to save on processing power has not as yet been addressed but is planned for resolution.
Anonymous commented
My spreadsheet got 10 pdfs and everytime I click a cell with zero, it takes a few sec to search for all zeros in the 10 pdfs. My spreadsheet is almost unusable.
Anonymous commented
I think having an option in settings where you can choose to not automatically search text would be helpful. Then this can be toggled depending on the work you are doing.
Anonymous commented
When I click into a cell with a "0,00" value, Datasnipper starts searching for all zero in all documents regularly crashing my excel files. Could a (optional) feature be added where the search function doesn't search for 0s?
Anonymous commented
To echo this, when we accidentally click on an Excel cell with a $0 value, our computer will freeze for several minutes while the auto-search tries to find all zero's in the PDF's imported to our Excel. It would be helpful if we could toggle the auto-search function on and off
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to disable automatic searching whenever a cell is selected. It would be a good addition to Workbook Settings where we are able to disable table snip suggestions. The search feature is great but it gets in the way repeatedly on one of our testing workpapers where we have to tab through other cells and it ends up searching for unrelated numbers or highlights a majority of our documents when we tab over a cell with that contains a zero.
Anonymous commented
This is an issue for me as well. I often have workpapers where zero is used as a placeholder, and clicking on of those cells causes excel to freeze up, especially when there are a lot of financial based reports imported.
Ashley Bartoskewitz commented
i'd like there to be a "reviewer" mode that could be selected for my datasnipper install, where the autosearch is disabled but the search bar could still be utilized as needed.
Anonymous commented
Second this but more on the basis of document navigations. I dont want DataSnipper to continually search for things after I have found what I want.