transfer snips
Have the ability to (or publicize it more) - the ability to replace documents (keep snips/abandon snips) when importing. there are 2 workflows this prospect identified to accomplish this:
1) Make Edits within PDF
a. Export PDF within datasnipper to a separate folder than the original PDF is saved on your computer (I am not sure why it has to be a separate folder).
b. Unclick “include PDFs in Excel” within excel file.
c. Exit excel and save.
d. REPLACE PAGES of PDF (for different version) or make edits as need be. Save and close PDF.
e. Reopen excel – the updated PDF is now (somehow) embedded within the excel.
f. Click “include PDFs in excel.”
2) Replace PDF
a. Export PDF within datasnipper to a separate folder than the original PDF is saved on your computer (I am not sure why it has to be a separate folder).
b. Unclick “include PDFs in Excel” within excel file.
c. Exit excel and save.
d. Delete exported PDF
e. Datasnipper will prompt you with an error message as the PDF does not exist.
f. Click on prompt and select new PDF.
g. The snips will still be present to new PDF, assuming no drastic changes.
h. Click “Include PDFs in excel”