Ability to create excel sheet templates and store them within DataSnipper.
Ability to create excel sheet templates and store them within DataSnipper.
Problem: Currently external & internal auditors use templates for completing audit procedures. This requires ecxel templates to be created and maintained within a shared document storage such as Sharepoint. Users will then download the files to their local machine. This leads to templates becoming outdated and also having a lack of insights about the useage of the templates.
It would be valuable to have an option to create, upload and manage excel templates into DataSnipper. This would allow users to create excel file templates directly from DataSnipper. To ensure this is the most valuable feature it should:
1. Provide analytics on template usage
2. Provide insignts into what was changed within a template to improve templates
3. The ability to share templates with specific users or groups
4. The ability to share templates to a centralised template libary that all customers can access and use templates from

1. This would go beyond DM & FE templates that we currently offer today.
2. It could also go beyond excel to non-excel templates (there are a lot of word templates) should be made part of it, even if you can just access it through datasnipper.