256 results found
Custom Extraction field options
Allow more options within each extraction model as well as allowing custom extraction options.
41 votes -
Document Matching + Form Extraction (VLOOKUP)
It would be very helpful if DataSnipper could essentially perform a VLOOKUP based on snipped data. For example, if a text snip or form extraction scrapes an employee's name from the sample supporting documentation, the tool would then automatically pull in the job title of the approver (based on a separate HR Excel listing that we can also import into DataSnipper), and input it into the cell in the adjacent column. The idea would be that as employee names are populated from the supporting documentation, the associated job title would be pulled in automatically (basically a VLOOKUP but native to…
34 votes -
Sort snips in Excel
It would be great if it was possible to perform sort through Excel functionality on snips inserted into Excel without messing up the DataSnipper links to the documnet.
34 votes -
Single PDF, multipage Invoice Extraction
Allow invoice extraction on single PDF with multiple invoices, without needing to split PDF into separate invoices
31 votesThis has been deferred (not planned for the next 6 months).
Please continue to share this idea, we will continue to monitor for votes and comments!
Indicate when there is no exact match
For document matching, when there is no exact match (f.e. when fuzzy text match or a threshold is enabled), it would be nice if the output would somehow indicate that there is no exact match. For example by giving the snips that do not have an exact match, a different colour.
25 votes -
Redact text for multiple forms
Use form extraction to redact text fields over multiple of the same forms. An example could be redacting social security numbers on all payslips at once.
25 votes -
Table Snip Templates
Ability to save Table Snip templates. Example: on a recurring basis investment reports are received, where only a subset of tables is to be extracted. Being able to save the specific table set as template would allow for efficiente extraction of tabular data upon receipt of the reports.
25 votes -
More Flexibility in Excel to PDF Import
When importing Excel workbooks, DataSnipper currently creates separate PDFs for each tab, saved in the original folder. This can lead to a cluttered and disorganized folder structure.
Requested Features:
Selective Export: Allow users to choose which tabs to export as PDFs.
Destination Folder Selection: Let users specify a folder for saving the exported PDFs.
Single PDF Export: Provide an option to export all tabs into a single PDF.Benefits:
Reduces clutter in the original folder.
Provides greater control over file management.
Simplifies document management and enhances user experience by allowing a single cohesive view of the entire workbook.21 votes -
Bring back multiple tests for DM
Bring back the option to add multiple tests for document matching in one workbook.
21 votes -
Multi-language support on UI level
Would be great if our tool supports languages besides English on a UI level. Getting push back from prospects in Taiwan & Korea (Crowe Taiwan, UHY Taiwan & UHY South Korea) as English is not their main language and they find it difficult to navigate a tool that does not support their local language.
19 votes -
Disable automatic datasnips search in documents
Recently, while using the program, I have noticed that it automatically searches for and retrieves snips of text from various documents. While this feature can be useful in most cases, it causes Excel crash very fast (even if imported documents are compresed). Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if the automatic data snip search could be disabled by pressing an option button, similar to the calculation options in Excel.
19 votesMy apologies, the fix made was for the auto-enter into the search box.
The ask of this ticket to not actually search the documents in the background to save on processing power has not as yet been addressed but is planned for resolution.
Allow undo to retain expected functionality
When a snip is added, all prior work is "forgotten" so that undo can only undo the last snip. Any previous work can therefore not be undone.
I lose the ability to undo the last few adjustments made as soon as I apply a snip.
The suggestion is to allow the "undo" function to operate as standard so that all previous actions can be undone.
18 votes -
template sharing user to user
sharing templates user to user on clients (document matching and form extractions) without putting them as company templates which we do not want to do as we have thousands of users that have specific needs to each of their clients and team members must have ability to have templates created by one user be transferrable to another instead of the big waste of time of having each user have to recreate the template from scratch when the work is reassigned on a client staff. This is important and we were told will be addressed in v5.1 in 2023 yet we…
17 votes -
Disable table snip suggestions by default
I would like to be able to disable table snip suggestions as a default setting, that way I don't have to disable that feature in every workbook I open. I don't utilize the suggestions much more often that I do use them, so they tend to get in the way.
16 votes -
Enhance OCR accuracy to distinguish currency symbol and number
Currently, in Document Matching, Form Extraction, etc., a currency symbol such as "¥" is recognized as a number"1" or "7" when extracting the amount of money, especially if it is handwritten.
Ideally, improve the accuracy of OCR to distinguish between currency symbol and number.15 votes -
Option to undo the ''remove header'' option once applied
Would like to have an option to undo "remove header'' in the table snip or have an option to add that back if it's been removed by mistake.
14 votes -
Consistency in decimal recognition
DS should make use of the standard method of decimal identification and apply that to all numbers within a document.
i.e. 8,930.15: ","is a thousand separator while "." is a decimal separator. If this is the standard for all numbers in a document, then a number presented as 45.118 should be read with "." as a decimal separator (not a thousand separator).
13 votes -
Supporting ppt files
Working with ppt file is a popular medium for working papers in Thaiwan.
13 votes -
Definition of output columns in form extraction
add the ability to define the output columns within your Excel workbook for document extraction according to document matching (3rd step of the setup).
12 votes -
DataSnipper imported documents checking feature
Before archiving workpapers in the audit file, the end-user might be required to remove any imported documents using DataSnipper. The necessity of removing documents is dependent on the firms documentation requirements.
Currently it is time-consuming to go through all the excel workbooks and remove imported documents. Can a feature be developed which
1. identifies workbooks in a selected folder that have Imported Documents
2. Provides an option for the end-user to bulk remove imported documents12 votes
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